Operation Andrew's Wish

🎄Welcome to Oh My Ginger’s First Annual Adopt A Soldier Event! 🎄

We refer to this event as Operation Andrew’s Wish in honor of my cousin, a Specialist in the United States Army, who took his own life on 03/25/2020. He was constantly helping everyone else, was there for anyone at any time, and loved his country more than anything. 

This year we are adopting several soldiers and sending them holiday boxes with necessities, goodies, and cards. Your donation will go toward shipping and supplies for the boxes. 

We will personally make them things, send handwritten cards/letters and things from home to remind them that they are very loved and so incredibly missed during the holidays.

If you get a chance, listen to this song. It’s called Camouflage and Christmas Lights by The Robertsons. Leave a review below with your favorite verse or just express how it made you feel. I cry every time I listen to it because of how lucky we are to have our loved ones HOME, SAFE, with us.

Thank you all SO MUCH! This project is very near and dear to us. We love you all, Merry Christmas! 🎄❄️

Items bought from this collection help us send supplies and cards to our deployed troops.